Best Time to List on Poshmark

by WhooshPosh · 9/19/2023

Assessing Best Time to List on Poshmark

Maximize Your Poshmark Success: Unveiling the Best Poshmark Listing Times and Sales Strategy

In our pursuit to uncover the secret sauce behind successful Poshmark sales through whooshposh, we meticulously analyzed data from tens of millions of listings spanning diverse closets and categories. This in-depth exploration is based on a five-year data set, zoning in particularly on the crucial periods to list your items and the high-tide sales times. Taking a step further, we've dug into the waves of seasonality and the boost or slump holidays can bring to your sales. In a nutshell? We’re serving you with concrete, data-backed strategies to supercharge your Poshmark sale game.

Adjusting for Time Zones: The LA Perspective

For the purpose of our analysis, we've standardized all times to Pacific Time (PT), mirroring the perspective of Los Angeles Poshmark sellers. If you're situated outside of this time zone, adjusting to the insights is simple: just add or subtract the time difference between your location and Los Angeles, which would will give you the insights tailored to your location.

Making Sense of Our Sales Index

To provide a snapshot that's instantly digestible, we’ve opted to construct the index instead of providing raw dollar values. The Index is a simple ratio. In the denominator, you find the average of the observable period, say the daily sales average for the week. The numerator is the actual sales for the particular day of the week, say Monday. Then we compare the two. If Monday sales are higher than the daily sales average for the week, then the ratio would be higher than 1. If lower, then less than 1. In short, the index lets you quickly gauge performance:

The index data has a useful side effect of showing the percentage difference between the two index values. For Monday, the actual sales index reading is 0.93, which also means it is 7% below the daily sales average for the week. Let’s see it on the practical example and the one which often is getting asked around on Poshmark forums:

What is the Best Day of the Week to Sell on Poshmark?

Here's the silver lining for Poshmark Sellers: Every day offers potential!

How did we deduce this? By comparing the average hourly sales of each specific day against the overarching average hourly sales for the entire week. This comparative analysis paints a vivid picture of sales performance—whether a particular day is underperforming, hitting the mark, or outshining the average, and by what percentage.

For instance, Saturday boasts a reading of 1.0, signifying that its sales align perfectly with the weekly average. It's neither trailing nor leading, making it a reliable benchmark when sizing up other days. Contrast this with Sunday, which registers a 1.10 reading. In simple terms, sales on Sundays are 10% above the weekly average, and by extension, 10% higher than Saturdays. Intriguingly, Sunday stands out as the lone day that significantly surpasses the average. The remaining days? They hover close to that 1.0 mark. It indicates a consistent presence of potential buyers, keenly scouting your listings. Diving deeper, we can calculate the sales peak to through sales variance in the week. Tuesday is the slowest day of the week on average. It sees a modest dip with a reading of 0.96 (4% below the norm), while Friday shines brighter at 1.03 (3% above the standard). The difference, from Friday's peak to Tuesday's trough, is a mere 7.3% across this six-day span, which is truly reassuring for Poshmark sellers.

For the seasoned Poshmark Pros: If your sales metrics diverge significantly from these index ratios, it hints at underlying dynamics specific to your closet that warrant a closer look. Maybe your clientele has a penchant for shopping on certain days, or there's untapped potential on the softer days to bolster your sales.

For the Poshmark Starters: Breathe easy. No need to fixate on timing. Instead, channel your energy into curating a compelling product selection and competitive pricing. Which we would explore in the upcoming series.

Diving Deeper: The Intricacies of Intra-Day Sales on Poshmark

Having unpacked the inter-day dynamics, you might be itching to understand the sales variations within a single day. Let’s delve into that, shall we?

Heads Up: Poshmark’s Hourly Sales Resonate with the World's Waking Hours

The sweet spots for sales? They beautifully align with the hours we're up and about. Sales surge past the 1.0 benchmark from 6am and begin their descent after 8pm. A closer look at our chart (feel free to dive in below) reveals two distinct peaks: a morning rush from 6am to 10am and an evening spike from 4pm to 8pm. These windows aren’t just arbitrary high points; they contribute a whopping 56% of the sales volume on a standard day.

Are you pressed for time, then prioritize these golden hours. But here’s more insight: the mid-day stretch from 10am to 4pm isn't lackluster, claiming another 24% of daily sales. The quieter hours—midnight to 6am and 9pm to midnight—are still significant, accounting for the remaining 20%.

Here's the silver lining: Poshmark offers the potential of a full-fledged profession. The flip side? For those hoping to use Poshmark as a lucrative side gig, navigating the high-traffic hours might require some savvy management strategies. And guess what? We're crafting solutions tailored for that very purpose.

For the Poshmark Starters: Think of Poshmark as more than just a platform—it's a full time gig. Crafting your strategy in sync with the world’s waking hours can garner maximum attention and boost sales.

To our seasoned Poshmark Mavens: Dive deep into your sales data. Are you seizing the full potential of the 6am-10am and 4pm-8pm windows? Ideally, these brackets should represent roughly 56% of your daily sales. If the numbers are lagging, it may be time for some introspection and optimization, all other things being equal. Bridging the Daily Rhythm with Weekly Insights: Delving into Poshmark's Hourly Sales Trends Across the Week If you've been astounded by Poshmark's daily sales dance, you're in for a treat as we dissect how these patterns manifest over the course of a week. Buckle up!

Sunday Soars: Sundays on Poshmark have carved a unique niche, consistently drawing 10% more sales than the average day. From 6am to a slightly extended 7pm, this day is a bustling hub of activity. It harmoniously follows our previously highlighted daily rhythm but with amplified intensity. And, given that Sundays are universally revered for leisure and relaxation, this influx isn’t entirely unexpected. The Midweek Marvel: Here's the curveball—Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. While these days might slightly lag in their overall daily contribution (hovering around 3% below the mean), their evenings see a distinct spike. For sellers with tight schedules, here's your silver bullet—capitalize on the mornings of Fridays and Saturdays, the evenings of the initial workdays, and reserve your full-throttle strategy for Sundays.

Now, A Peek Behind the Curtain – When to List on Poshmark:

We've explored the when-to-buy, but what about the when-to-sell? Interestingly, most sellers seem to be swimming with the tide rather than against it. Our heatmap paints a fairly uniform green, indicating that listing times are scattered across the board without strategic precision. This could be your secret sauce—by synchronizing your listing times with peak sales moments, you stand to magnify visibility, consequently boosting sales. In essence, while many are playing the Poshmark game, very few are playing it smart. With the right insights and tools, you're well-equipped to lead the pack.

Building on that revelation, let's dig further into Poshmark's strategic landscape:

Sellers, have you considered that your listing times could be the game-changer? While sales patterns have given us a clear indication of peak activity moments, the absence of strategy in listing times presents a glaring opportunity.

A broad sweep across the listing heatmap showcases a predominant green, implying that listings are strewn across various hours without specific targeting. This randomness in listing could be what's holding back your sales velocity. The 4pm Sunday slot, however, stands out in stark contrast, glowing red, indicating an 8-fold increase over the average listing volume. Intriguingly, this peak listing time correlates with the most lucrative sales window on Sunday, spanning from 4pm to 7pm. It's not just the standout hour for Sunday but for the entire week. Could this correlation hint at the influence of strategic listing on sales?

But let's tread carefully. Remember, Poshmark isn't a traditional marketplace; it thrives on social interactions. Factors like social engagement might significantly weigh in on a successful sales strategy. And while our analysis is built on tens of millions of listings, it's essential to remember that this sample, though extensive, may not encompass all the variables. We're committed to refining our analysis, and what follows should be viewed as a preliminary insight, not a conclusive verdict. Nonetheless, the gleaned insights, even if embryonic, can provide actionable value.

Given the uncovered nuances in listing vs selling, let's wield the data scientist's scalpel and venture deeper. Now, while our broad-strokes analysis paints a compelling picture for Poshmark aficionados, the devil, as always, is in the details. We tentatively assume that the listing hour might impact the time it takes for an item to sell, and here's our deep dive into that theory:

Technical breakdown ahead for those ready to delve into the nitty-gritty
We've combined an array of statistical techniques to form our upcoming conclusions. We kicked off with an ANOVA exploratory analysis and then transitioned to K-means clustering focused on hourly differences. The pièce de résistance? A logistical categorical robust regression incorporating log transformation to handle any heteroscedasticity quirks within our dataset.A Quick Note on Log Transformation:We changed our 'hours_difference' variable to 'log_hours_difference' to address variances and potential 'log_hours_difference' to address variances and potential outliers. Adding '1' before transforming ensures zero-hour differences aren't problematic.The Model Explained:Our model, a robust regression, reduces outlier impact. We've used the 'listing_hour_category' as a predictor, treated as a categorical variable, letting us estimate the mean log_hours_difference for each category, compared to a shifted reference.

We started by looking at the data using a special type of chart known as a 'box and whisker plot'. From this chart, it was clear that there were some unusually high values, which sat at the top parts of the lines extending from the box. These unusual values, often called 'outliers', suggest that the data might be divided into two distinct groups.

Hourly Time-to-Sale Box Plot

Using K-means clustering (technique to find out statistically significant groups of data points, which behave similary within the group, but different across the groups), we found two main clusters: one with a sales time of 500 hours and another at 4,500 hours. The two identified clusters highlight that there are two distinct categories of listings, those

that sell fast (ca.500 hours or 21 days ) and

those that are the slow movers.

For Poshmark Pros: Optimizing for the faster category means your listing could sell in about 21 days. We'll delve deeper into the characteristics of these fast vs. slow-moving categories in the upcoming posts. Stay tuned and consider subscribing to have it delivered to your inbox as soon as it comes out.

For Poshmark Starters: Given the average median sales time of 21 days, you can work out how much you need to have listings in your closet to hit your monthly sales goals. Want to hit $2,000 per month with an average sale price of $20?

Here's the breakdown:

Key Takeaway: To achieve a monthly sales goal of $2,000, with a $20 average sale price, aim to have about 70 listings in your closet at a bare minimum. But it is not just about listing; it's about strategizing. With the 21-day median sales time, preparation is essential. Ensure a consistent inflow of 70 listings and the time and capital to manage them.

Deep Dive into Fast Movers:

We're zoning in on items with a sales time of 500 hours to avoid stretching this post. Now, our comparative analysis on listing hours and sales lead times unveiled an intriguing pattern. Listings made during daytime hours have better outcomes than those at night. For example, an item listed at 1pm sells, on average, 14 hours faster than something listed at 3am. Another observation: a 9pm listing lags by 14 hours compared to a 9am one. Which generally correlates to the time of sales findings above.

A Clearer Picture:

Our data underscores a noteworthy pattern: the timing of your listings can shave off up to a day from your sales cycle. Strategically listing during active hours versus late evenings or nighttime can offer a lead-time advantage of up to 20 hours.

What's even more compelling?

Our sample showed that most listings weren’t aligned with peak sales times. This hints at a significant opportunity. By simply syncing your listings with these peak hours, a savvy Poshmark seller can speed up their sales by an entire day.

The Bottom Line:

The best time to list on Poshmark?

It's all about aligning with peak sales activity. Make sure to list during the morning rush, from 6am to 10am, and catch the evening buzz between 4pm and 8pm. This tactic not only boosts your inventory turnover but also capitalizes on the highest sales periods. Get your timing right, and you've cracked one of the pillars to Poshmark success.